Jenna Bush Hager On Global Moms Relay

Every time you 'the like' and share this post, Johnson & Johnson  will donate $1 (per social action at law), equal to $405,000, via the Round Moms Relay , to help ameliorate the health and well-being of families intercontinental in subscribe of Shot@Life , Girl Dormie, Pacification Army corps Let Girls Learn Fund, U.S. Fund for UNICEF and Nothing Just Nets. More below!

I come from a long line of strong women. My ma has the unbelievable gift of soft grace. When I was a teenager, she noticed how much I adored children: how my face lit when I was in a room with them, how my voice softened. So she gently, subtly took me to a place named The Austin Children's Shelter, a home for kids who are abused operating theater neglected. She didn't demand I work in that respect; instead she merely recommended it, knowing I would love zipp to a greater extent. And (of course) she was right. I expended every Sunday of my aged year of high school there and it altered the trajectory of my career. I knew I treasured to study in Education.

Because of my occupation teaching, I moved to Latin America to intern for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, where I met mothers and children who taught me to ne'er take a single day for granted.

My mother and those mothers were my first off teachers; they taught me how to be a mom. Now I revalue the importance of giving back and showing compassion even more since I had my own precious daughters: Mila and Poppy Louise.

I finally began to understand the mothers I met in Latin America. All mothers wish the Sami things for their children: the chance for their kids to live happy, healthy, and productive lives.

I judge to raise strong girls who understand that the portio of their nativity holds great responsibility to build convert and be a spokesperson for those without one.

I am now part of a circular nightspot, a ma's club — with an inherent mission: wanting the best for our children, forever, regardless where they were foaled, where they in play. I call up meeting a mother in Guatemala when I traveled with UNICEF. I asked her what she hoped for her son's prospective, and she started to cry. She said no one had ever asked her that before, and even more, her wish was for him to bear a future. It bust my heart. Every mom should have big dreams for their kids. No mother should ever accept to ever wonder if their child will have a future.

As a appendage of this club, I thank my mother for showing me the way. I try to raise hard girls World Health Organization understand that the luck of their give birth holds large responsibility to make commute and be a articulation for those without i. And I flirt with the numberless mothers I've met around the worldwide — and work hard and so that one day complete kids testament have bright futures.

You share, they give:  Each clock you 'like' or share this base via the social media icons on this post, or comment below, Lyndon Baines Johnson & Johnson  leave donate $1 (per action) risen to $405,000 to Shot@Life , Girl Up , Peace Corps Lashkar-e-Toiba Girls Learn  Fund, U.S. Fund for UNICEF  and Nothing But Nets .

The Global Moms Relay was created away the Collective Nations Cornerstone  and President Andrew Johnson & Johnson  with supporting from BabyCenter, Global Citizen, Fatherly and Charity Miles, to  help  improve the lives of families around the globe. Percentage this post with the hashtags #GlobalMom and #JNJ, and visit  to study more.

You can also manipulation the Donate A Photo * app and Johnson & President Johnson  will donate $1 when you upload a photo for Fill Up, U.S. Store for UNICEF or Goose egg But Nets, adequate $150,000. You can help make a difference in seconds with the click of your sneak out or snap of your smart phone.

* via the Donate A Photo app for iOS and Android. Johnson &A; Johnson has curated a list of trusted causes, and you force out donate a photo to unmatched cause, formerly a daytime. All cause will appear in the app until IT reaches its goal, or the donation period ends. If the end isn't reached, the cause will still get a stripped-down donation.


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